You can now calculate your estimate rates on the City rates calculator

The City of Cape Town’s new rates estimate calculator is live for property owners to see what their estimated rates could be from 1 July 2023.

The City of Cape Town’s new rates estimate calculator is live for property owners to see what their estimated rates could be from 1 July 2023.

Published Mar 2, 2023


Cape Town - The City of Cape Town’s new rates estimate calculator is live for property owners to see what their estimated rates could be from 1 July 2023.

The City said its new rates estimate calculator aims to make life easier for property owners as part of the General Valuations 2022 (GV2022) inspection and objection process.

The GV2022 is open for public inspection until 30 April 2023 electronically, or 31 March 2023 at 30 inspection venues across the city.

“With previous GVs, the proposed rate-in-the-Rand was normally only tabled at the March Budget Council meeting, after the inspection period had ended. This left property owners guessing the rates liability of their new property valuations.

“For GV2022, the provisional rate-in-the-Rand and the proposed relief measures were provisionally passed by Council on 24 February 2023. The automated rates calculator on the City’s website enables property owners to determine the likely impact of the GV2022 property valuations on their rates bill, including any reduction in residential property valuations before applying the provisional rate-in-the-Rand,” said mayco member for finance, Siseko Mbandezi said.

For GV2022, the valuation date is 1 July 2022. The accurate and fair market value is determined by comparable sales information around the valuation date in most cases, the City said.

“Ratepayers are encouraged to use the City’s website to view their property information, including the valuation notice, pre-populated objection form, link to e-services and the provisional rates calculator. If they choose to lodge objections, the preferred option is to do so via e-Services or by email,” Mbandezi added.

How to use the calculator for GV2022

  • Step 1: Visit:
  • Step 2: Enter the erf number or property address on the GV2022 Roll opening page.
  • Step 3: Select ‘Rates Estimation’ from the menu on the left of the screen of useful information available about the selected property.

Cape Times