Astrologer reveals the luckiest star signs in love

stars / astrology

stars / astrology

Published Aug 24, 2023


Johannesburg - Taurus leads the pack of zodiac signs in love, according to an astrologer.

Known to be ruled by Venus, the planet of love, it is revealed that Taureans have a lot to offer for new partners.

Celebrity psychic Inbaal Honigman assisted Psychic Chat Provider Psychic World decided to explore the barriers of zodiac signs to understand their motivation and how they love.

The research further delved deep into other signs that follow Taurus leading with 95%.

Libra: Luck in love: 90%

Ruled by Venus, planet of love, Libras are elegance personified. Friendly and personable, those born under the sign of the Scales never struggle to get a date. They take great care with their appearance, and expect a partner to do the same. They feel comfortable getting to know one person and will not stray.

Perfect match: Taurus is exactly as stable as they need.

Virgo: Luck in love: 85%

Ruled by Mercury, planet of communication, Virgos like a neat and tidy life and enjoy being coupled up. Attentive and giving, those born under the sign of the Virgin are everyone’s ideal partner.

Perfect match: Aquarius is also faithful, and is the creative yin to the Virgo’s organised yang.

Cancer: Luck in love: 80%

Ruled by the Moon, which is dreamy and changeable, Cancerians live and breathe romance. Idealistic in their love, those born under the sign of the Crab expect a fairy tale romance and nothing less.

Perfect match: Pisces are also hopelessly romantic.

Leo: Luck in love: 75%

Ruled by the Sun, which is proud and regal, Leos can give their partner their all, but it’s got to be the right person. Generous and kind, those born under the sign of the Lion attract everyone.

Perfect match: Capricorn is also focused and direct.

Pisces: Luck in love: 70%

Ruled by Neptune, planet of dreams, Pisceans are highly romantic and turn every aspect of life into a walking, talking fantasy. Affectionate and selfless, those born under the sign of the fish will do anything for love.

Perfect match: Cancer is more than deserving of a Pisces undying love.

Gemini: Luck in love: 65%

Ruled by Mercury, planet of communication, Geminis can charm the birds off the trees with their prize-winning chat.

Perfect match: Sagittarius are similarly free-spirited.

Scorpio: Luck in love: 60%

Ruled by Pluto, planet of transformation, Scorpios bring uniqueness and mystery to the relationship. Passionate and tactile, those born under the sign of the Scorpion listen to their gut when it comes to love.

Perfect match: Aries has no problem accepting the Scorpio just as they are.

Sagittarius: Luck in love: 55%

Ruled by Jupiter, planet of expansion, Sagittarians are the free-spirited, laugh-a-minute, party animals of the zodiac. With a zest for life, those born under the sign of the Archer are a joy for some, and exhausting for others.

Perfect match: Gemini won’t ask them for anything they can’t give.

Capricorn: Luck in love: 50%

Ruled by Saturn, planet of karma, Capricorns are good-looking, clever and wealthy. As they focus primarily on their work, those born under the sign of the Sea-goat leave no time for frivolity.

Perfect match: Leo can be the perfect partner that Capricorn desires.

Aries: Luck in love: 45%

Ruled by Mars, planet of passion, Aries are magnetic to others, sometimes for all the wrong reasons. They’re lucky in getting dates and always have attention from the object of their desire, but those born under the sign of the Ram struggle to keep the love alive, because they are active and busy, and may be tempted by someone else. Perfect match: Scorpio will match their fiery vibe.

Aquarius: Luck in love: 40%

Ruled by Uranus, planet of rebellion, Aquarians are the ideas people, faithful, loyal and smart. With a strong humanitarian streak, those born under the sign of the Water-bearer are wise beyond their years.

Perfect match: Virgo do not ask for excitement but loyalty, which is what they will get from Aquarius.

The Star

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