South Africans take note - we are in tough times, but we need to stick together

Published Dec 29, 2022


By Kristen de Wet

People struggle, difficult things happen, but the only way we can make it through those difficult times is by standing together.

It seems simple but the people of South Africa have forgotten what it means to stand as one. One nation, one country. A country the people can be proud to call their home.

A country that symbolises strength and unity. What we need is to get our courage back. We have seen the difficulties of life, and we have experienced pain in more ways than imaginable, but there comes a time when we have to realise that there are only two options: One, we fall, we lose, we let the negative win, and we will be forgotten. Or, we stand strong. We use it to our advantage, we don’t let the bad bring us down, but we use it to build us up. This is only achievable if we do it together in unity because together, we are stronger. Together we can go further than ever.

We find strength in our uniquenesses. We are a country with different cultures and colours, and instead of bringing each other down, we should build each other up.

We stand strong for one another. We can find pride in our nationality again. The people have forgotten what it means to be a true South African in their hearts, and it is time for all of us to remember.

The only way a change will come is if we stand up and fight for one. We need to stop waiting for better and start making a better future. We fight together, not against each other!

Kristen de Wet is a 16-year old South African.


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