Can a business coach help grow your business? 4 questions entrepreneurs need to ask before making the commitment

Entrepreneurs put a lot hard work and determination into getting their business venture off the ground. However these qualities alone cannot guarantee the success of a business. Picture: Freepik

Entrepreneurs put a lot hard work and determination into getting their business venture off the ground. However these qualities alone cannot guarantee the success of a business. Picture: Freepik

Published Apr 6, 2022


If all you needed to make a business a success was determination and hard work, there would be far more successful businesses than there are. While the experts tell us these qualities are important, alone they cannot guarantee the success of a business.

That is why having a business coach may be one of the best investments an entrepreneur can make.

A successful entrepreneur typically understands and embraces the value that effective coaching can unlock for their business, believes Heather Lowe, head of SME Development at FNB Commercial.

Here are four questions entrepreneurs need to ask to ensure they find the best-fit coach for their needs.

1. Should I look for a business coach that is relevant to my business? For example: An entrepreneur starting a clothing business should work with a coach from the fashion industry?

“This is not always a necessity. When building a business, the disciplines associated with that are not industry reliant. So, often businesses have a general business coach dealing with building a scalable business model, and then use technical experts where required for specialist input,” says Lowe.

However, having a person who has run multiple businesses in your industry can be a great enabler as they have the in-depth technical knowledge that would pick up industry-specific nuances.

2. When should I seek the help of a business coach?

There is never a perfect time – sooner rather than later as a business is constantly evolving and an entrepreneur needs to evolve with the business.

3. Is there a difference between a business coach and a mentor?

According to LinkedIn, there is a difference. A mentor inspires and motivates like a trusted advisor but a business coach teaches and guides the entrepreneur so that he/she can hone in on their business.

4. What are the benefits of having a business coach?

  • Accountability: To ensure that the entrepreneur meets their deadlines.
  • Unbiased perspectives on situations: When you are in the detail it is hard to extract yourself from that and see the bigger picture.
  • Support: Entrepreneurship is challenging and stressful. An objective support person is incredibly helpful and access to knowledge and experience from someone who has done it before, so you don’t make the same mistakes they may have.

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