‘Madam’ furious that domestic worker eats 2 eggs and slice of cheese at her house

A woman took to Twitter to express her frustration over her domestic worker who she said eats two eggs and a slice of cheese everyday for breakfast. Photo: Pexels

A woman took to Twitter to express her frustration over her domestic worker who she said eats two eggs and a slice of cheese everyday for breakfast. Photo: Pexels

Published Dec 15, 2022


A woman took to Twitter to express her frustration over her domestic worker who she claimed eats two eggs and a slice of cheese everyday for breakfast.

The Zambian woman that other Twitter users dubbed “Madam” said the reason that she takes issue with the domestic worker’s action is that she does not live in the house.

The post got a mixed bag of comments. Certain users of the Elon Musk-led platform told the woman that if she can’t afford eggs, she should not have a helper.

However, others saw her point and said that the worker is exploiting her employer’s generosity.

She tweeted, ‘’Last week I found out my maid has been having 2 eggs with her breakfast every day. Today found out she’s adding cheese slices to her breakfast, this is not a live-in maid no. She comes from her house and goes back. Isn’t it too much now?’’

She added that the domestic worker only works four hours a day but can sometimes leave early.

‘’Why do you have a ‘maid’ if you’re complaining about two eggs? You’re poor like the rest of us. Stop pretending,’’ said activist writer, Lunga Mahlangu.

Social media influencer Sally Suleiman commented that the woman should have set boundaries from the beginning and talked to her employee about what she could and could not eat.

Another Tweep accused the woman of not paying her worker enough.

“I know she is underpaid. No one who is paying their helper well is stressed about two eggs. Do you even do minimum wage?’’

In South Africa the minimum wage for domestic workers was increased from R21.69 to R23.19 per hour this year.

Despite this, Stats SA's Consumer Price Index (CPI) figures show that domestic worker earnings in South Africa are tracking even lower than the country’s core inflation, with thousands living hand to mouth.

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