Watch out for learner and driving licence scammers, warns City of Cape Town

The City’s Traffic Service became aware of the apparent scam when a member of the public arrived to collect their learner licence. Picture: Chris Collingridge/African News Agency (ANA) Archives

The City’s Traffic Service became aware of the apparent scam when a member of the public arrived to collect their learner licence. Picture: Chris Collingridge/African News Agency (ANA) Archives

Published Oct 30, 2020


Cape Town – People who need learner’s and/or driving licences or have outstanding fines have become the target of an apparent scam doing the rounds, the City of Cape Town said.

According to the City’s Traffic Service, it was alerted to the scam earlier this week when a member of the public arrived at Gallows Hill Driving Licence Testing Centre (DLTC) to collect her learner’s licence, under the impression she had been party to a legitimate transaction.

“She had parted with an amount of money to have the document procured after coming across an advertisement on social media, offering learner and driving licence ‘packages’ with no requirement to complete the tests or make bookings.

“It appears that the scammers pose as City employees or purport to have contacts at driving licence testing centres,” the City said.

Victims are expected to complete money transfers in exchange for the requisite documents, but never receive them.

Mayoral committee member for safety and security JP Smith said: “Scams are nothing new, and this appears to be the latest attempt at conning members of the public out of their hard-earned money. The City doesn’t have too many details about the scam, or how widespread it is, but we feel compelled to warn the public not to fall for these offers.

“Our DLTCs offer tests for learner and driving licence applicants within set parameters and there are no allowances for deviating from the process. If anyone tells you otherwise, please know that it is a scam.

“Even if you have confirmation that the person is in fact a City employee, any offer to circumvent the system amounts to bribery and corruption and you then become an accessory to the crime.”

The City’s Traffic Service said it did not offer packages for driving licences and had no affiliation with driving school operators. It also did not issue learner’s or driving licences without the requisite testing process having been successfully completed.

“The case at Gallows Hill has been referred to the relevant policing agencies for further investigation. Any person who has fallen victim to this particular scam is advised to lay a charge with the South African Police Service.

“It is important that con artists be brought to book, as this is the only way to deter other would-be scammers. I therefore urge anyone with information to please come forward so that we may build a better picture of this particular operation and find the people responsible.

“Information can also be relayed to the City’s Public Emergency Communication Centre by dialling 021 480 7700 from a cellphone or 107 from a landline. Callers have the option of remaining anonymous,” said Smith.

Cape Argus

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city of cape town