‘Irrelevant’ Muslim personal law is wheeled out before elections

Cape Muslim Congress councillor Yagyah Adams writes that once again, as we approach another national election some opportunists will talk about Muslim personal law (MPL). It is political posturing ahead of elections and vanishes instantly afterwards. File picture

Cape Muslim Congress councillor Yagyah Adams writes that once again, as we approach another national election some opportunists will talk about Muslim personal law (MPL). It is political posturing ahead of elections and vanishes instantly afterwards. File picture

Published May 14, 2023


Once again, as we approach another national election some opportunists will talk about Muslim personal law (MPL). It is political posturing ahead of elections and vanishes instantly afterwards.

Allow me to explain. The vast majority of Muslims do not care about MPL, as the novelty has worn off. For decades MPL was summoned from the grave before an election. It is time, we leave MPL in its grave as few care. The fools that talk about MPL have wasted enough taxpayers’ time and money.

Muslims like everyone else worry about our immediate reality, and the 22 000 people murdered annually. Muslims worry about unemployment as we have unskilled people in governance and selfish and cruel business leaders who value profit more than they value human dignity or lives.

For example, pharmaceutical companies increase profits on medication and don’t care if people suffer. Millions die because the pharmaceutical inagain, as we approach another national election, some opportunists will talk about Muslim personal law (MPL). It is political posturing before elections and vanishes instantly afterwards.

Allow me to explain. The vast majority of Muslims do not care about MPL, as the novelty has worn off. For decades, MPL was summoned from the grave before an election.

It is time we left MPL in its grave, as few care. The fools who talk about MPL have wasted enough taxpayers’ time and money.

Muslims like everyone else worry about our immediate reality, and the 22 000 people murdered annually. Muslims worry about unemployment as we have unskilled people in government and selfish and cruel business leaders who value profit more than they value human dignity or lives.

For example, pharmaceutical companies increase profits on medication and don’t care if people suffer.

Millions die because the pharmaceutical industry like the military industrial complex has limited interest in humanity.

Profit is not enough since maximising profit at any cost is the new buzzword.

Muslims worry about load shedding that directly creates job losses. We worry about the increasing cost of living and the basic food price increases.

The increasing home loan rate displays the indifferent cruelty of bankers. The petrol hikes suggest our government has no control over our economy.

The increasing cost of rates, water and electricity which make life miserable are vital issues for the Muslims, as we are a part of the larger South African society.

What is irrelevant are politicians who talk about MPL before an election.

It is a sickening display of selfishness and audacity from those who mischievously think Muslims must get excited and be grateful whenever MPL is mentioned.

Muslim voters must ask politicians who mention MPL to explain what they have done regarding crimes like kidnapping, hijacking and murder.

Question the opportunistic politicians about actual work done to reduce corruption and load shedding.

Demand to know what practical outcomes have materialised instead of how many debates ensued that produced no actual results, just lip service.

Muslims, like other South Africans, are tired of those who pose as politicians and stage a performance before elections to make themselves relevant.

Politicians who talk about MPL must be challenged about what they have actually produced or told to shut up. Voters must stop entertaining foolish people.

A democracy where political and regular criminals terrorise citizens is a failed democracy.

During apartheid the government killed citizens. Today, the government allows regular criminals to murder rate- and taxpaying citizens.

What is the difference when innocent people continue to be hijacked, kidnapped and murdered? Does the colour or politics of the murderer or those killed matter?

* Cape Muslim Congress councillor Yagyah Adams.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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