LETTER: Let’s question those who inspire and enforce perverse values

'If other Westerners were allowed to commit genocide against indigenous people for settlement or domination, why is the Zionist mass murder of Palestinians different?’ File picture: AP Photo.

'If other Westerners were allowed to commit genocide against indigenous people for settlement or domination, why is the Zionist mass murder of Palestinians different?’ File picture: AP Photo.

Published Sep 25, 2024


by Yagyah Adams

With the rise of LGBTQIA+ and other peculiar norms that are imposed on society, we must ask who creates or instigates perverse trends in society and who defines what is morally acceptable.

For example, in the Hollywood and entertainment genre, it is suggested that the heroes of most films are those who “bed” the most females. Yet, many cannot correlate why Aids cannot be contained.

Before my generation, the American cowboy was celebrated for killing the “savage” Red Indian. Until recently, all Muslims were depicted as terrorists, wanting to blow up everything.

An entire generation of Westerners (American, European, British, Australian and so on) relished the idea all cowboys were good and all Red Indians savages and, therefore, killing Indians was needed.

Oddly, many do not know that Westerners have committed genocide against indigenous people of North America and South America, north Africa and South Africa, Australia and New Zealand and so on.

In truth, wherever whites settled, before or alongside colonialism, there was usually a genocide.

This is why Zionists primarily from eastern Europe are confused about the outrage from the UN about the Palestinian holocaust. If other Westerners were allowed to commit genocide against indigenous people for settlement or domination, why is the Zionist mass murder of Palestinians different?

Let’s explain with a practical example.

The Dutch East India Company that “founded” Cape Town, brought Jan van Riebeeck and Malay and Indonesian political prisoners from the archipelago and had a murderous business strategy.

The Dutch wanted absolute control of the Spice Islands. Thus, the Dutch decided what crop must be grown and where. Those who resisted were killed or exiled. Thus, specific islands were reserved for specific spices. This destroyed the varied industries on the islands for centuries and, essentially, made the archipelago a crop-specific plantation for Dutch abuse. Millions were forced into servitude and the populations of some islands who resisted were mass murdered by the Dutch.

The Dutch-inspired apartheid was child’s play compared to what happened in Indonesia.

The genocide of Palestinians by European, British, American and other Zionists is an extension of a history of violence against indigenous people that remains hidden in dusty textbooks.

The logic of the West and purported by Hollywood CNN, BBC, Fox News and so on is simple: they are civilised and anything else is uncivilised and, therefore, must either be subdued or mass murdered.

Thus, using Western or Zionist logic for “civilisation and progress”, all Muslims must be considered terrorists and all indigenous peoples must know their place in the world. Anyone who disagrees is either anti-Semitic or against civilised norms and standards.

Where God, truth and justice fit into all of this is a matter of interpretation. If the Zionists are God’s chosen people as this is what they tell us, what the hell are the rest of us supposed to be?

* Cllr Yagyah Adams, Cape Muslim Congress.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media

Cape Argus

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