Former sports personalities learning ways to cope with retirement life

MANGALISO Mosehle has played for SA in seven T20 Internationals and also has 123 List A matches under his belt.

MANGALISO Mosehle has played for SA in seven T20 Internationals and also has 123 List A matches under his belt.

Published Jun 26, 2024


Ongama Gcwabe

How many times have we seen retired athletes vanish into the post-retirement wilderness, where all the knowledge and experience they have gathered over their playing careers goes to waste?

We have heard and witnessed plenty of such stories about our local sporting heroes.

Some ex-athletes just never seem to adapt to the difficulties of having to adjust to a normal life having lived the life of a professional sports personalities.

Betway, with their Betway 12th man program, a second edition of its kind, aims to ease the difficulty faced by retired athletes in transitioning to life after their playing careers.

The program aims to upskill and equip 12 former athletes with skills that are necessary to thrive now that they are retired.

To guide the 12 former athletes are Betway ambassadors including Bafana Bafana legends Lucas Radebe and Siphiwe Tshabalala.

Former Springboks captain Jean de Villiers and former Banyana Banyana player Simphiwe Dludlu make up the four ambassadors who will play mentoring duties during the program.

One of the 12 retired athletes, Mangaliso Mosehle, a former Proteas wicket-keeper batter acknowledges the difficulties of completing the transition from being a player to a former pro.

“When I was listening to the ambassadors speak on stage... I’ve obviously recently retired and it’s a hard transition. You’re not really sure what you want to do or how you’re going to get into it,” Mosehle told the media during the official launch of the Betway event in Melrose.

“It’s a wonderful program and initiative which gives you clarity. One of the speakers spoke about, ‘You can not give back to the community if you don’t have confidence.’

“A program like this will teach us how to deal with people, how to build a business and how to build ourselves as brands. And once you’ve equipped yourself you can go out into the community and apply your knowledge.”

Having retired a year ago, Mosehle has since taken up a head coach role at Queens College and aims to use all the skills he will develop in the program to better himself as a coach.

“When I was in Durban I got into a little bit of coaching and I found so much meaning in that. For me going into Queens College was a massive opportunity that a lot of people don’t get after retirement,” he said.

“When the school gave me a call to send through my interview I was keen. It’s a bit different because I can’t bat or catch for the kids. So that’s also what I’m learning, just to be a bit more patient.

“Here I’m learning how to coach. It’s been a good challenge and I’m excited for what the future holds for the school.”

The 12 former athletes who have been selected to be part of the second edition of the Betway 12th man program include Mosehle, Benedict Vilakazi, Benson Mhlongo, Aya Myoli, Maude Khumalo, Janine van Wyk, Morgan Newman, Hekkie Budler, Phumza Maweni, Nontle Gwavu, Dino Bagattin, Bridgitte Hartley.