Letter: Ignoring cautionary tale about Russia might cost the ANC

The ANC is a party slowly descending into the abyss and oblivion, says the writer.

The ANC is a party slowly descending into the abyss and oblivion, says the writer.

Published Apr 19, 2023


By Marius Krige

Cape Town - How the ANC and its buddy, Eskom, have fallen from grace! If they think it is business as usual, they are making a grave mistake.

Corruption is endemic and like a vicious dog, it bites left, right and centre. The poor suffer because of this.

To explain the ANC’s predicament, one should examine the party’s roots.

Without a sound, healthy root system the ANC will wither and die. We are all aware of the ANC’s close ties with the Lenin/Stalinist axis of evil.

In the halls of power, it is comrade here and comrade there, with the EEF’s hammer and sickle paraded all over the place.

We can recall many ANC ministers with ties to the SACP. In what age are they living? Are they aware of the artificial famine that Stalin forced on Ukraine, leaving millions to die?

No wonder the Ukrainians will resist Russian President Vladimir Putin with all their might. Stalin’s collectivisation of land was a dismal failure yet the ANC tries to revive this dead horse. Nine-hundred state-owned farms are for a 30 year lease.

Good heavens will the ANC never learn? Stalin invented corruption, but the ANC perfected it. Stalin’s trumpets blared regarding workers’ rights. The rest of the millions were flocked off to the Gulags to suffer cold, misery and death.

What the ANC refuses to accept is that Russia has changed dramatically. The United Socialist Soviet Republic is no more but the Russian Federation stands in its place, with the new “Tzar” Putin at the helm.

An autocracy is back just like in the “good” old days of the tzars. In the meantime, thousands of young people are fleeing its borders.

Sadly, the ANC is a party slowly descending into the abyss and oblivion. In Africa, it is adapt or die!

Cape Times

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