Willowy winner for June

The IOS June Pet of the Month is Willow, a 2-month-old husky cross from Silverglen, Chatsworth. Her mom says she’s “dangerous with her beautiful doey eyes that can make you give her any of your shoes or sandals to chew on...no matter how expensive or while you are using them”.

The IOS June Pet of the Month is Willow, a 2-month-old husky cross from Silverglen, Chatsworth. Her mom says she’s “dangerous with her beautiful doey eyes that can make you give her any of your shoes or sandals to chew on...no matter how expensive or while you are using them”.

Published Jun 30, 2024


Durban — Meet the winner and finalists in the June Independent on Saturday Pet of the Month competition, 2-month-old husky cross Willow from Silverglen, Chatsworth, who wins a R500 voucher from Petzone.

Her mom says “she is dangerous with her beautiful doey eyes that can make you give her any of your shoes or sandals to chew on... no matter how expensive or while you are using them”.

How to enter: Snap a photo of your pet showing its unique personality, with a sentence telling us why he or she is so special to you. Add your name, your pet’s name, breed, age and area. Email it to [email protected] Winners get a R500 voucher from Petzone.

Competition rules: The competition is open to all pets and only one picture may be submitted. Employees of Independent Media, the sponsor, their advertising agencies and their immediate families may not enter. The Editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

The Independent on Saturday Pet of the Month page will appear on the last Saturday of every month. Entries for the July 27 competition close on Monday, July 22. The competition will run until February 2025. An independent panel of judges will select the Pet of the Month. Because of space constraints, not all pictures will be published in the newspaper. However, every pet will be considered and all entries will be published on the Independent on Saturday Facebook page.

KC is an 8-year-old ginger and white short haired cat who lives in New Germany. Bonus point for having good taste in newspapers and being able to search cupboards for food!
Pretty as daisies is Dusty, a shaded red smooth haired mini dachshund who is nearly three years old and lives in Hillcrest.
Guinea “file” Whereyou is 2 years old and answers the call of its owners in Winklespruit.
Bruno, a pug in Gillitts, reflects on the good life.
Freddy K, a 3-year-old Biewer Yorkie from Mount Edgecombe, clearly has the bling and the vibes.
Muezza, a 3-year-old ragdoll from Parlock, has a winning smile.
AJ is a 7-year-old Jack Russell cross who lives (and digs) on the Bluff.
Three-year-old Pekinese Pudding bosses the sofa at home in Sydenham.
Estella, an exotic short hair who is 2 years old and lives in Durban North, nestles inside a favourite spot.
One-year-old Pekinese pup Hugo shows a delightful spot of pink tongue.
A real stand-up guy is Bailey, 2, a Maltese cross chihuahua from Chatsworth.

Independent on Saturday

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