Pamper yourself for baby's sake

Published Nov 30, 2006


Pregnancy and birth can leave you completely exhausted and emotionally washed out if you don't look after yourself properly, both while you're pregnant and after the baby is born.

For your own sake and the baby's, you need to pamper yourself a bit!

During pregnancy

- Make sure that you drink lots of water; cut out coffee and regular tea and drink rooibos tea instead.

- Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, and only take medication if directed by a health professional.

- Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and avoid refined and processed foods like biscuits, chips and sweets.

- Exercise regularly to help you stay healthy and improve your circulation (which will help prevent leg cramps).

- Avoid spicy and/or fried foods as they could cause heartburn and unnecessary weight gain.

- Practise relaxation techniques that will help you when giving birth.

Once the baby arrives

Once your baby is born, your sleep will be interrupted, especially if you're breastfeeding, and you will feel exhausted if you don't follow these tips.

- Get enough sleep

If your baby keeps you up at night, you need to rest during the day. Don't try to catch up with cleaning the house or doing the laundry when the baby is sleeping - those things aren't as important as your health.

- Get some exercise

Make a point of taking a walk whenever

you can. Apart from shedding some kilos,

the fresh air will help clear your mind and energise your body.

- Pamper yourself

Ask your partner or a friend or relative to look after the baby for a couple of hours so that you can do something that you enjoy, such as going to the hairdresser, having a massage, shopping, going to the movies or just taking a long soak in a bubble bath.

- Eat balanced meals

You need good nutrition to give you energy, especially if you're breastfeeding. Avoid foods that have caffeine or too much sugar. They can make you (and the baby) feel anxious and unable to relax.

- Set aside time for friends...

It's important that you set some time aside to visit family and friends. It's common to feel lonely or isolated after the birth of a baby,

so it's important to keep in touch with the people you love. Allow them to share the challenges of having a baby. Remember, a problem shared is a problem halved and the people who love you will be only too happy to offer you advice and support.

- ...and your partner

Make sure that you spend quality time with your husband or partner. Don't focus all your attention on the baby and neglect your partner - he's also an important part of your life, after all. Once you start looking after yourself and start doing things you enjoy, you'll really look forward to holding your baby in your arms. Go on, you deserve it!

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