What's in a name?

Published Mar 3, 2009


By Eveline Jenkin

If you were ever called by a nasty nickname at primary school, spare a thought for the people mentioned in a new study of unfortunate names.

It would have taken an imaginative playground taunter indeed to better monikers like Hazel Nutt, Terry Bull, Anna Sasin and Barry Cade.

Parenting group thebabywebsite.com compiled its list of unfortunate names after trawling online telephone records from the US and the UK.

Among those singled out were people called Tim Burr and Ray Gunn and a Dr Thoulton Surgeon.

Les Plack, a San Francisco dentist, also made the list.

One of the Britons mentioned, retired airman Stan Still, told the BBC his name had been "a blooming millstone around my neck my entire life".

In an article revealing the findings, the researchers said it was likely the parents of the people on the list did not realise the implications of their name choices.

"Parents really do need to think carefully though when choosing names for their children.

"Their name will be with them for life and what may be quirky and fun for a toddler might be regretted terribly when that person becomes older," the article said.

However respondents to a BBC story on the findings pointed out a possible advantage to having an unusual name.

"Unfortunately your name doesn't have to have a double meaning to be found continually amusing to others," wrote Bill Badger from Essex.

"However, I have found the benefit in adult life is that it is always noticed and remembered and is therefore a great networking 'tool'."

Full list of thebabywebsite's most bizarre names

Barb Dwyer

Pearl Button

Hazel Nutt

Ray Gunn

Helen Back

Stan Still

Jo King

Lee King

Terry Bull

Mary Christmas

Max Power

Paige Turner

Sonny Day

Tim Burr

Teresa Green

Will Power

Anna Sasin

Chris Cross

Doug Hole

Justin Case

Barry Cade

Anna Prentice

Annette Curtain

Bill Board

Carrie Oakey

Dr Leslie Doctor

Dr Thoulton Surgeon

Dr Payne

Les Plack

Priti Manek

Dr Sumey

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