Katie Price doesn't want son Harvey's experience to put people off getting Covid-19 vaccine

Katie Price doesn't want her son Harvey's experience to put people off having the coronavirus vaccine. Picture: Bang Showbiz

Katie Price doesn't want her son Harvey's experience to put people off having the coronavirus vaccine. Picture: Bang Showbiz

Published Feb 8, 2021


Katie Price doesn't want her son Harvey's experience to put people off having the coronavirus vaccine.

The 42-year-old former glamour model's 18-year-old child - who has Prader–Willi syndrome, septo-optic dysplasia, ADHD and is also on the autistic spectrum - was briefly hospitalised over the weekend after suffering a reaction to his first jab, which he had on Friday, but she's reassured well-wishers he is now doing "fine" and stressed how important it is for people to have the vaccine.

She told The Sun Online: "I am in awe of the NHS - they are amazing, without them Harvey would not be here today.

"I don't want anyone worrying about him as he’s fine now at home eating carrot cake. Despite Harvey's reaction, he is one of a kind, the Covid jab is so important especially for those in high risk categories.

"I am so much happier in the knowledge Harvey is safer now he has had his."

However, Katie has called for "strict medical supervision" and monitoring for those who suffer with "complex and rare conditions" when they have their vaccination.

Her representative said: "Katie would like the medical authorities to consider those with complex and rare conditions should be vaccinated under strict medical supervision and monitored for 24hrs as their immune systems can react differently.

"Treatment can then be administered immediately. This would be subject to the resources being made available for this."

The 'Loose Women' star - who has four other children from previous relationships - had previously explained Harvey had suffered the reaction as a result of the "complex medication" he takes for his various health conditions.

She said on Instagram: "The reaction was a really, really high temperature, 39.9 degrees," she said

"And obviously with Harvey, I have to keep a really keen eye and I couldn't get his temperature down so I phoned Great Ormond Street and they told me to go to the nearest A&E that's what we did."

Speaking to Harvey, she then added: "They did all your bloods, did an X-ray, blood, ECG, everything.

"Everything was fine, said it was just a reaction from Covid but today, he's absolutely on form, aren't you?"

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