The lockdown diary of a single mom: Week 1

Little one keeping busy. Picture: Gerry Cupido

Little one keeping busy. Picture: Gerry Cupido

Published Mar 30, 2020


It’s Day 4 of the nationwide lockdown and I can’t help but wonder how other moms in my circumstances are doing?

We all find ourselves in different situations during this challenging time. 

There are singles who get to do pretty much anything they want - sleep, exercise or watch TV series all day.

Then there are the young couples (no kids) who can do all of the above with a bit of sexual experimenting for a treat.

A married couple with kids can go either two ways: family activities, projects and movie nights. Or, if the kids are teens, it’s folks having a lot more wine with breakfast, lunch and supper while teens are locked in their rooms. 

Then there’s the single working mom (working from home) with two teens and a seven-year-old. 

That’s me. And I’m going to give you a look into how the lockdown is going in my little flat.

When the lockdown announcement was made, I didn’t have the time, nor the desire, to rush out and buy trolleys of food. I happily went to the smaller stores to get a few essentials. (By the way, it’s day 4 and I still haven’t been back to the stores).

But there was one store that I was willing to brave the mall for - an art supply store, stationery or just any store that will provide me with the tools to keep my little one entertained. 

With all household essentials sorted and art supplies in hand, I felt ready to take on the 21-day lockdown. 

Day 1:

It was a normal working day for me so I had little time to interact with my little one. After providing her with art tools, she happily entertained herself. Occasionally requesting movies. 

On day 1 the little one happy with her colouring-in book. Picture: Gerry Cupido

My 14-year-old daughter keeps to herself and spends her day chatting to friends, sketching and playing around with hair and makeup looks. Only making an appearance to eat and drink. 

Teen gets creative with hair and makeup looks. Picture: Gerry Cupido

So, day 1 was a breeze. 

Day 2:

It’s Saturday and all I want to do is nothing - just enjoy the lockdown like most people are. Unfortunately, my seven-year-old quickly brings me back to reality by demanding we do a paper art project. Found me a while to find a one that was easy enough for both of us to do. Why do those YouTubers make these projects look so easy? I struggled.

A project that looked like it would take 10 minutes turned into an hour-long mission. But, I must confess, I really got into and actually enjoyed it.

The easy paper project that took an hour to complete. Picture: Gerry Cupido

To further fill the day I went into baking mode. I had some puff pastry in the freezer which I had taken out the morning and decided to have some fun with it. My little one enjoys playing with dough and creating inedible things. I was on a mission to make chocolate swirls. Well, to be honest, that wasn’t what I intended it to be, but I had cacao, chocolate chips, eggs and sugar. Kinda thought I could make something with that. The result wasn’t amazing but it wasn’t terrible either. By the next day, they were all gone. 

Day 3:

Surprisingly the little one still hasn’t asked about going outside yet. Well, she does shout out the window to people walking by, “Go inside! You’re going to get the virus and die!”. So she happily continues with her drawings and watching movies. She’s now into watching movies of herself when she was a baby. She does this in-between outfit changes. As usual, the teen keeps to herself in her room. 

I decided to try my hand at baking scones. Savoury scones. I have a newfound respect for those who can make the perfect scone. Let’s just say it wasn’t a huge success. 

Day 4:

My little one woke up confused, unable to understand why I’m up, doing my full facial and body routine and actually getting dresses, “Mommy where are you going?”. 

My response: “Mommy’s going to work baby girl.”

So another Monday begins. Only now the little is a lot more restless and started asking questions about how much longer we still have to stay indoors. Will we still be inside for Christmas?

She’s been demanding a lot more of my attention (possibly because I’m working). 

The teenager has actually left her room, made a full-on breakfast and positioned herself in the lounge for what seems to be a movie marathon. 

Are the cracks starting to show? Follow my diary and find out in the next installment...

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