Lessons we must not forget during the third wave

South Africa has officially entered its third wave of Covid-19 infections. Picture: Martin Sanchez/Unsplash

South Africa has officially entered its third wave of Covid-19 infections. Picture: Martin Sanchez/Unsplash

Published Jun 17, 2021


South Africa has officially entered its third wave of Covid-19 infections.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said the average number of daily new infections has more than doubled in the past two weeks from around 3 700 to 7 500.

“The average number of people who die from Covid-19 each day has increased by 48% from 535 two weeks ago to 791 in the past seven days,” he said.

With the June holidays in sight, South Africans need to be more cautious than ever as we brace for the impact of the third wave.

Johan Kleu, executive head of Momentum Multiply, said: “People who have planned on embarking on a holiday should remain vigilant as the third wave is set to hit this winter holiday.

“Sadly, if recent history is anything to go by, the holidays are where infection waves tend to break out, and now that we’ve entered flu season, we need to take special care as Covid-19 symptoms mimic flu symptoms. We have to remember our Covid-19 etiquette if we are going to make it out the other side safely.”

Kleu offers tips for staying healthy this winter.

Don’t forget about yourself

A national survey conducted by pharmaceutical firm Pharma Dynamics showed that 56% of South Africans now have higher levels of psychological and emotional distress than before Covid-19.

“This has been a tough time for us all, so you need to take the time to focus on your needs and happiness. Make it a point to rest and enjoy yourself,” says Kleu.

He believes that mental wellness is the road to both financial and physical wellness as a clear mind leads to a more positive and active outlook on life. “While we are all taking care of our families, we must remember to carefully unload our mental burdens with those we trust, which may include a mental health professional. There’s no shame in seeking the help we need in these troubling times.”

Squeeze in some exercise

Whether you’re heading off into the great South African expanse or staying in, Kleu says there is no better way to clear your mind and gain some perspective than getting some exercise.

Yale and Oxford did a study in 2020 that revealed an obvious truth – people who stay active tend to be happier. Kleu emphasises the importance of exercise on mental wellness.

He advises to wake up before the family if you want to sneak in a morning run, or even take your family on a long walk if it is safe to do so. “The key is to make exercise a fun family activity without it feeling like too much work, especially for the kids,” says Kleu.

“We are not going to beat this virus if we let our guard down. I realise that it has been a stressful time, and we can all use a break, but that doesn’t mean we can neglect our responsibility towards ourselves and our fellow South Africans,” concludes Kleu.

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third wavecovid 19