Bring the jungle to your garden

Published Jan 11, 2011


If you’re looking to escape the winter, there’s a far cheaper alternative than booking a long-haul holiday - snap up a palm and youÕll be instantly transported to more tropical climes.

Heralding from Morocco and the Canary Islands, as well as Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, China and other far-flung corners of the world, palms are a large tribe grown for their stunning fronds of evergreen leaves.

Yet despite their exotic looks, which conjure up images of scorching deserts, tropical islands or humid jungles, some palms are incredibly tough and will thrive here with little care.

“Most people think palms need careful cosseting over winter but that’s far from the truth - there are many that need no protection at all and will easily cope with rain, snow and sub- zero temperatures,” says Martin Gibbons, 65, the UK’s leading expert on these plants.

There is great diversity among Martin’s palms. They range from mounds of bushy foliage a few feet high to lofty tree-like plants with a parasol of fronds perched on a distinctive trunk. Some have stiff, fan-shaped leaves, while others have feathery fronds comprised of narrow leaflets.

“I’m completely obsessed with palms and have travelled extensively to see them in their natural habitats,” he says.

“What really appeals is that they look so exotic, but are remarkably foolproof. When they’re established, they don’t need watering, feeding, pruning or pest control and some can withstand temperatures down 15C.”

Martin has written several books, including Palms: The Illustrated Identifier To Over 100 Palm Species. Among the best varieties is Trachycarpus fortunei. Commonly known as Chusan palm, this native of China can put on a foot of growth a year and makes a great specimen for a large garden with its distinctive hairy trunk and 3ft-wide, fan-shaped leaves. “It’s been grown in our country for more than 150 years and is still the most popular today thanks to its ability to cope with the harshest of winters,” says Martin.

If you like the look of the Chusan palm but have a smaller garden, Martin suggests going for Trachycarpus wagnerianus, a plant that generally grows to about 15ft and has much smaller leaves. “It is considerably more wind-tolerant than its near relation, making it perfect on more exposed sites,” he says.

There are several other trachycarpus worth seeking out. Stone gate palm or T. princeps has broad, fan-shaped glaucous leaves with silver backs, while T. nanus doesn’t develop a trunk but forms a bushy mass of stiff leaves 2ft above the ground. Wander around the sprawling nursery and you’ll find many more striking specimens. Growing up to 7ft, the Blue Mediterranean Fan palm (Chamaerops humilis var. cerifera) is from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco and has waxy blue leaves, while Butia capitata from Brazil will form an 18ft trunk, topped by a mass of gracefully arching feathery leaves. It is also known as jelly palm due to its edible fruit.

For something completely different try Chamaedorea microspadix - this feather-leaved palm can cope with cold snaps down to -8C, making a dense clump of yellow stems closely resembling bamboo.

Another cracking plant is Jubaea chilensis, or Chilean wine palm. “This is an awesome feather palm and one of the hardiest palms of all as it can withstand severe temperatures down to -14C] when established,” says Martin.

Most palms prefer a sheltered spot protected from strong winds and will do best in full sun or semi-shade. They hate having permanently damp feet, especially in winter, so plant in well-drained soil or dig in horticultural grit to improve drainage before planting. Alternatively, smaller specimens can be grown in large pots filled with gritty John Innes No3 Compost.

Looking after palms couldn’t be easier. Water plants in the ground well during the first spring and summer until established. Palms in pots should be watered regularly to prevent compost drying out. Little pruning is needed other than removing damaged or dying leaves.

Although many will easily cope with tough winter temperatures, palms will need attention if there is snow as branches can snap under the weight. You should dislodge any snow from the tops with a broom or cane. - Daily Mail

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