Slovakia President Zuzana Čaputová addresses her nation in style

Prime Minister Igor Matovic posing with Zuzana Čaputová. Picture: Supplied.

Prime Minister Igor Matovic posing with Zuzana Čaputová. Picture: Supplied.

Published Mar 25, 2020


The president of Slovakia, Zuzana Čaputová is proof that drip is forever. 

While the world continues to fight the global pandemic, coronavirus, Čaputová reminded us once again that even in dark times, you must still serve the looks. 

The environmental activist who has been the president of Slovakia since June last year recently attended a swearing-in ceremony of the new four-party coalition government in Bratislava, Slovakia’s capital where she dripped in all-pink garb from head-to-toe. 

Čaputová stood out the most as she wore a rosy red boatneck dress with matching pointed heels, and a fabric surgical mask that looked exactly like her outfit. 

Many apploaded Čaputová, who is the first woman to hold the presidency and the youngest president in the history of Slovakia for not losing her impeccable style even when fighting the pandemic. 

— HIBA (@iatemuggles) March 21, 2020

Zuzana Čaputová was also spotted wearing a single breast button red dress with a matching face mask where she was going through temperature check before her government’s formal proceedings. 

%%%twitter">@ZuzanaCaputovagoing trough temperature check before accepting resignation of government. Slovakia going trough #coronavirus crisis in one shot.

— Martin Poliačik (@MartinPoliacik)

The stylish president took to Instagram to wish congratulate Prime Minister Igor Matovic, whom she was handing over the appointment decrees. In Slovak she wrote "Ľudia vo voľbách dali veľkú dôveru na dôležité zmeny, ktoré naša spoločnosť potrebuje. Skôr, ako sa bude môcť vláda Igora Matoviča tejto veľkej úlohy prebudovania našej spoločnosti naplno ujať, stojí pred ňou ešte iná dôležitejšia a bytostnejšia úloha. A to, ochrániť čo najviac ľudských životov v súboji s neviditeľným nebezpečím. Len ťažko si predstaviť zadanie, ktoré by bolo náročnejšie. Nastupujúcim ministrom, ministerkám a premiérovi Igorovi Matovičovi som pri odovzdaní menovacích dekrétov povedala aj toto: „Dnes nepreberáte iba moc, dnes preberáte najmä zodpovednosť za republiku a za jej obyvateľov. Každé zlyhanie, ktoré je za obvyklých pomerov len predmetom mediálnej kritiky, by dnes ohrozilo to základné, čo nám všetkým dáva šancu, aby sme situáciu zvládli. Verím, že budete múdra vláda, vláda zjednocujúca, okolo ktorej sa všetci zomkneme. Želám nielen vám, ale všetkým obyvateľom republiky, aby sme s odstupom rokov mohli povedať, že v marci 2020 prevzal zodpovednosť vládny kabinet, ktorý urobil pre Slovenskú republiku historicky významnú službu. K jej naplneniu vám budem z plných síl nápomocná a prajem v nej veľa úspechov.“

This translates to: "People in the elections have given great confidence to the important changes our society needs. Before Igor Matovic's government can fully take on this great task of rebuilding our society, there is yet another more important and essential role to play. And that, to protect as many human lives as possible in the battle against the invisible danger. It is hard to imagine a task that would be more difficult. I also said this to the incoming ministers, ministers and Prime Minister Igor Matovic when handing over the appointment decrees: “Today, you are not only taking over power; Any failure, which under normal circumstances is merely the subject of media criticism, would today jeopardize the fundamental that gives us all a chance to cope with the situation. I believe that you will be a wise government, a unifying government around which we will all stand. I wish not only to you, but to all the inhabitants of the republic, that we can say after a few years that in March 2020 the government cabinet took over responsibility, which did a historically important service for the Slovak Republic. I will help you to fulfil it and wish you every success. ”

To see more of President Čaputová’s elite fashion sense, follow her on Instagram @zuzana_caputova. 

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