EPA nominee will review vehicle emissions rules

Published Jan 19, 2017


By David Shepardson

WASHINGTON, Jan 18 (Reuters) - Oklahoma Attorney General

Scott Pruitt, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's choice to lead

the Environmental Protection Agency, said on Wednesday he will

review the Obama administration's recent decision to lock in

fuel efficiency rules.

On Friday, outgoing EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy

finalized a determination that the landmark fuel efficiency

rules instituted by President Barack Obama should be locked in

through 2025, a bid to maintain a key part of his

administration's climate legacy.

"It merits review and I would review that," Pruitt said

during a contentious Senate confirmation hearing, questioning

the decision of McCarthy to finalize the determination just two

weeks after the public comment period closed on Dec. 30.

Pruitt said separately he would not commit to allowing

California to continue its own clean vehicle rules under a 2009

decision by the Obama administration.

Major U.S. and foreign automakers have appealed to Trump,

who has been critical of Obama's climate policies, to review the

rules requiring them to nearly double fleet-wide fuel efficiency

by 2025, saying they impose significant costs and are out of

step with consumer preferences.

As part of a 2012 regulation, EPA had to decide by April

2018 whether to modify the 2022-2025 model year vehicle emission

rules requiring average fleet-wide efficiency of more than 50

miles per gallon.

In 2011, Obama announced an agreement with major automakers

to raise fuel efficiency standards to 54.5 miles per gallon.

This, the administration said, would save motorists $1.7

trillion in fuel costs over the life of the vehicles, but cost

the auto industry about $200 billion over 13 years.

The EPA said in July that because Americans were buying

fewer cars and more SUVs and trucks, it estimated the fleet will

average 50.8 mpg to 52.6 mpg in 2025. In November, the agency

moved up the timetable for proposing that automakers can meet

the 2025 standards.

McCarthy said her determination, a legally binding decision

to maintain the fuel efficiency rules, rested on an extensive

technical record. She said the rules are "feasible, practical

and appropriate" and in "the best interests of the auto


Senator James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, on Wednesday

said McCarthy's determination was an "extreme action" that

"broke the deal" with automakers.

Legal experts have said it will be more difficult for the

Trump administration and Congress to undo the determination than

to unwind other regulatory actions issued by the Obama

administration during its final months in office.

The 2025 determination is not a new regulation, so the EPA

under Trump would likely have to go through an extensive process

before withdrawing it and could face lawsuits from environmental

groups if that step was taken.

Separately. California's new Democrat Senator Kamala Harris

asked Pruitt whether he would commit to upholding the California

waiver. Pruitt did not say outright that he would uphold the

waiver, which allows California to pursue its own emission

standards that are more stringent than the federal rules.

(Reporting by David Shepardson in Washington. Additional

reporting by Valerie Volcovici in Washington; Editing by Alan


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