Black Business Chamber slams FSCA raid at Sekunjalo office

Officials from the Financial Sector Conduct Authority raided Dr Iqbal Survé’s offices in Cape Town. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/ African News Agency (ANA)

Officials from the Financial Sector Conduct Authority raided Dr Iqbal Survé’s offices in Cape Town. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/ African News Agency (ANA)

Published Oct 28, 2019


Cape Town - The Black Business Chamber has launched a scathing attack on the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) following a raid it conducted at the offices of Sekunjalo owned by media mogul Iqbal Survé earlier this month.

Black Business Chamber secretary-general Muntuwekhaya Cishe said his organisation has noted with sadness, the "well-orchestrated ongoing attack and unwarranted harassment of Independent Media and Sekunjalo by FSCA and PIC".

"It is our strong belief that the rights of the progressive companies under Sekunjalo group and Doctor Iqbal Survé are being undermined," Cishe said.

He said Dr Survé has been giving the much needed support to most of emerging black businesses in the Western Cape.

Cishe said the assistance came through various initiatives through providing infrastructure via Business Place eKapa and a lot of other of funding small business via Black Business Chamber and Grassroots Business Accelerator Competition.

"As BBC, we are duly behind Dr Survé during this period as he has proven to be one of the very few champions of transformation in the country.

"We are in continuous discussion with our members trying to explain the situation that Dr Survé is being subjected to and we are calling on all small businesses to follow the unfolding events with vigilance it deserves," Cishe said.

Political Bureau

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black business chamber