#DontLookAway: We must do more

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Published Nov 30, 2017


Sixteen days seems a long time to keep a single campaign going without losing intensity.

But when it comes to gender-based violence, one has to ask: Is it enough?

Every year, we observe 16 Days of Activism For No Violence Against Women and Children, but what about the other 349 other days of the year?

Do we only speak out against abuse and violence during this period?

The effort that goes into this campaign is commendable, but as men, women, children, parents, caregivers and citizens, is it not our duty to look out for one another 24/7, 365?

Independent Media’s observance of 16 Days is carried out through our Don’t Look Away campaign, because too often, that’s what most of us do when we encounter violence or abuse - we look away.

We turn around and say: “At least that’s not me.”

But this attitude is something the global #MeToo movement has forced us to confront. I too am affected by gender-based violence. I too am affected by bigotry. I too am affected by patriarchy. If I am a man, I too benefit from patriarchy. I too have taken advantage of my position of power and privilege, be it from a

position of wealth, land ownership, or station in society or in our

communities and families.

Once we, each and every one of us, acknowledge those statements and internalise them, we realise that yes, I too can make a difference.

The Cape Argus urges its readers to look internally first and see how we can make 16 Days last every day of our lifetime.

How every one of us can look at a situation and say “me too”. Instead of saying “I’m lucky that isn’t me”, to say “that could easily have been me”.

Only then will we be able to look at victims from a position of sympathy, rather than judgement.

Only then will we be able to stop saying “someone should do something about this”, and instead say “what can I do about this?”

Only then will we be able, even in small ways, to end gender-based


For 16 Days of Activism to end violence against women and children, Independent Media will bring you stories behind the statistics. Please  DONT LOOK AWAY. We can all make a difference by supporting victims and organisations working to build a future without violence.

Cape Argus

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