#ANCNEC tells Zuma: Resign or be recalled

President Jacob Zuma Picture: Themba Hadebe/AP

President Jacob Zuma Picture: Themba Hadebe/AP

Published Feb 13, 2018


Pretoria - The ANC National Executive Committee (NEC) has resolved to recall President Jacob Zuma, according to several reports on Tuesday.

However, there has been no official confirmation from the party. 

The decision to recall Zuma was taken at a marathon meeting of the party which started on Monday afternoon and ended on Tuesday morning at 3am.



The meeting was called to discuss Zuma’s fate. 

Just before midnight, ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa left the venue in Irene followed by his motorcade, to go deliver a message to Zuma - that the NEC wants him to resign within 48 hours or they will recall him. 

Seems like ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa has left the NEC meeting in Irene. #ANCNEC @IOL pic.twitter.com/ab9FKexpaG

— Zintle (@ZintleMahlati) February 12, 2018

Ramaphosa was accompanied by ANC Secretary General Ace Magashule. 

NEC members never left the venue as they waited for feedback. 

Ramaphosa and Magashule spent less than hour at Zuma’s residence in Pretoria, before returning to St George Hotel. 

ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa is back at Irene now after meeting with President Zuma. #ANCNEC @IOL pic.twitter.com/SYURvasAWH

— Zintle (@ZintleMahlati) February 12, 2018

The ANC NEC will brief the media on the outcomes at Luthuli House at 12pm on Tuesday.

According to News24, Zuma refused to resign when told of the NEC decision. 

He will now be presented with a letter confirming the NEC’s decision. 


Business Day reported on Monday that Zuma had asked to be given three months notice before he could resign. This demand was apparently rejected by the NEC. 

Ramaphosa and Zuma had been meeting since last week, in an attempt to strike a deal. 

A previous meeting between Zuma and ANC officials was fruitless as Zuma refused to resign. 

Political Bureau

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