ATM criticises expansion of cabinet under Ramaphosa

President Cyril Ramaphosa announces his Cabinet for the 7th administration. Picture: Phando Jikelo/Independent Newspapers

President Cyril Ramaphosa announces his Cabinet for the 7th administration. Picture: Phando Jikelo/Independent Newspapers

Published Jul 1, 2024


The African Transformation Movement (ATM) expressed significant concerns about the recent expansion of the cabinet by President Cyril Ramaphosa, saying it could lead to increased government inefficiency and strained resources.

ATM President Vuyo Zungula emphasised the importance of streamlined government operations to meet the needs of the people effectively.

“The recent announcement by the national executive shows a concerning trend towards centralisation and expansion that may not necessarily benefit the public,” Zungula said in a press statement.

“This move appears to prioritise coalition agreements over the pressing needs of our citizens and could severely impact the delivery of essential services.”

The ATM highlighted issues with the consolidation of responsibilities within the Presidency, arguing that it circumvents crucial parliamentary oversight mechanisms and risks diluting accountability in decision-making processes.

“By centralising these responsibilities, there is a risk of deviating from the constitutional framework that upholds checks and balances,” Zungula said.

“Concentrating too much authority within the Presidency could undermine the constitutional spirit of distributed governance and weaken institutional oversight.”

The statement also pointed to ideological inconsistencies and operational challenges as potential threats to the government’s effectiveness.

According to ATM, the lack of coherent ideological alignment and the operational disjointedness within the expanded cabinet are likely to lead to operational paralysis and potential instability.

“This is a critical time for South Africa, and the direction we are taking is worrisome,” national spokesperson for ATM, Zama Nsthona, said.

“The misalignment of policies and an oversized cabinet after 30 years of democracy indicate a serious departure from the ideals and efficiencies that should characterise our government.”

The ATM calls for a reassessment of the cabinet structure to better align with the country’s needs and to ensure more efficient governance.

The party has stressed the need for an approach that truly reflects the aspirations and challenges of South Africa in the post-apartheid era.