Bosa pushes for efficiency in government spending on ministerial staff

BOSA calls for an urgent review of ministerial staffing arrangements, advocating for a government that prioritises efficiency and qualified appointments over political favouritism. File Picture: Jacques Naude / Independent Newspapers

BOSA calls for an urgent review of ministerial staffing arrangements, advocating for a government that prioritises efficiency and qualified appointments over political favouritism. File Picture: Jacques Naude / Independent Newspapers

Published 5h ago


Build One South Africa (Bosa) has expressed concerns regarding the excessive size, cost, and staffing of ministers' private offices, as revealed in recent parliamentary responses.

According to Bosa, out of 32 ministers, 18 (56%) have disclosed information regarding their staff numbers and remuneration packages, highlighting a staggering financial burden on taxpayers.

Bosa estimates that the annual salary cost for these private offices will exceed R420 million.

When including the salaries of ministers and deputy ministers, this figure rises to over R600 million.

This comes at a time when ordinary South Africans face pressing issues such as unemployment, poor service delivery, and a housing crisis, said Bosa.

Bosa Acting spokesperson Roger Solomons stated, "In a time when the country’s economy is under severe pressure, the size of these offices is unjustifiable. Ministers and their deputies seem far removed from the reality that millions of South Africans face, indulging in overstaffed and overpaid offices."

Among the most notable findings:

Minister of Agriculture: 18 staff members with an annual cost of R14.2 million.

Minister of International Relations and Co-operation: 22 staff members costing over R15 million annually.

Minister of Employment and Labour: 23 staff members with a salary bill of R17.8 million.

Bosa contends that such opulence reflects a bloated government structure and unchecked cadre deployment.

Solomons emphasised that "government must become smaller, more nimble, and streamlined to focus on delivery to the people, not creating jobs for political cronies."

‘’The high number of staff members and their exorbitant salaries cannot be justified in any way.’’

In addition, BOSA is alarmed by reports of ministers circumventing minimum qualifications for staff appointments, which undermines the professionalism of public service and diminishes its effectiveness.

The party calls for an urgent review of these staffing arrangements, advocating for a smaller, more efficient government that prioritises competent, qualified individuals for public office over political appointments.

‘’We will continue to fight for accountability and the right-sizing of government to ensure that every cent of public money is used for the benefit of the people of South Africa, and not wasted on excessive ministerial luxuries.’’

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