Dlamini-Zuma: Yes, I visited Gupta compound

Published Nov 13, 2018


Cape Town - Minister in the Presidency Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma is the latest Cabinet member to come clean on meetings with the Guptas.

“I attended official meetings with Ajay Gupta present when I was Minister of Foreign Affairs and he was a board member at Brand South Africa,” Dlamini-Zuma said.

“I was also invited and accepted an invitation to attend Diwali celebrations at the Gupta family home.”

Dlamini-Zuma was answering a parliamentary question from DA MP Shahid Esau, who wanted to know if she attended any meeting where Gupta family members, employees or close associates were present since she was appointed to the Cabinet.

Esau had also wanted to know if she was influenced by any person to take any official administrative action on behalf of any Guptas or their associates. “No, I have never been influenced, nor have I influenced an employee to take administrative action on behalf of the person(s) specified,” Dlamini-Zuma replied.

Her reply comes amid calls for ministers, including ANC and SACP leaders, to come clean on meeting the Guptas or being influenced by the family. Former Finance minister Nhlanhla Nene resigned after his testimony to the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture for his several visits to Gupta businesses and family residence when he was the deputy minister and minister for Finance between 2010 and 2014.

Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan is under fire over his meetings with the Guptas. Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies went on record about two weeks ago on meeting with the Guptas. 

Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa has in his response to DA leader Mmusi Maimane’s question denied attending a meeting where the Guptas and close associates were present.

“However I was invited by this family in my capacity as the minister of police to attend a Diwali function, which was either in 2009 or 2010.” Transport Minister Blade Nzimande “acknowledges to have met the close associates of the Gupta family during the SABC/TNA morning breakfast shows where I was a guest on the shows”.

 Higher Education Minister Naledi Pandor, International Relations and Cooperation Minister Lindiwe Sisulu, Science and Technology Mmakolo Kubayi, Sports Minister Toko Xasa, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi and Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom have in their responses given “no” to questions on being influenced by Guptas or attending a meeting with them.

Political Bureau

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