KZN's Foot and Mouth Disease crisis expands: New control measures announced

Agriculture Minister John Steenhuisen has announced the expansion of the Disease Management Area in KwaZulu-Natal due to new Foot and Mouth Disease cases.

Agriculture Minister John Steenhuisen has announced the expansion of the Disease Management Area in KwaZulu-Natal due to new Foot and Mouth Disease cases.

Image by: Courtney Africa / Independent Newspapers

Published Mar 18, 2025


Agriculture Minister John Steenhuisen has expanded the Disease Management Area (DMA) in KwaZulu-Natal due to the discovery of new Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) cases in Newcastle.

Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is classified as a controlled animal disease under the Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act No. 35 of 1984), which mandates specific control measures, such as isolation and movement restrictions, enforced by Veterinary Services. 

Ministry spokesperson Joylene van Wyk said the FMD outbreak in KZN has not been successfully contained, with new cases recently detected in the Newcastle area. 

“The disease has now spread beyond the initial Disease Management Area (DMA) declared in 2021 when outbreaks of the SAT2 FMD strain first emerged in the province,” Van Wyk said. 

She said the minister has decided to expand the DMA’s boundaries to prevent the virus from spreading further.

“This measure aims to control the movement of cloven-hoofed animals (cattle, sheep, and goats) and their derived products in affected areas. No cloven-hoofed animals, their products, or genetic material may be moved from, to, or within the DMA unless authorised by a state veterinary permit and in full compliance with the stipulated conditions of such permit,” explained Van Wyk. 

This map shows the boundaries of the March 2025 Disease Management Area.

She said the updated DMA boundaries will be officially declared in the Government Gazette in the coming days. 

The extended DMA will now include: Big Five Hlabisa Local Municipality, Mtubatuba Local Municipality, Nongoma Local Municipality, Ulundi Local Municipality, uMhlabuyalingana Local Municipality, Jozini Local Municipality, uPhongolo Local Municipality, Abaqulusi Local Municipality, uMfolozi Local Municipality, uMhlathuze Local Municipality, Mthonjaneni Local Municipality, Nquthu Local Municipality, Nkandla Local Municipality, uMlalazi Local Municipality, and Mandeni Local Municipality. 

Partially included municipalities (specific portions covered by the DMA): eMadlangeni: south of R34 from R33; Newcastle: south of R34 up to and east of N11; Dannhauser: east of N11 and north of R68; Endumeni: north of R68 and east of R33; Msinga: east of R33; uMvoti: east of R33 up to R74 and north of R74; Maphumulo: northeast of R74; Ndwedwe: east of R74; and KwaDukuza: northeast of R74 up to the N2 and west to the N2 up to Mandeni.

Van Wyk said the department reiterates that movement control measures, originally declared in October 2022, remain in place nationwide, and these control measures have been included again in the new Government Gazette notice. 

These measures require that: 

  • Any movement of cattle, sheep, or goats must be accompanied by an owner declaration confirming the animals’ origin and health status.
  • The recipient of the animals at the destination must provide a signed undertaking ensuring the animals will be isolated for at least 28 days before integration with the main herd.

Furthermore, Van Wyk explained that Section 11 of the Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act No. 35 of 1984), places a legal obligation on all animal owners and farm managers to take all reasonable steps to prevent their animals from becoming infected and to prevent the spread of diseases. 

She said essential biosecurity measures include: 

  • Limiting or postponing the introduction of new animals onto farms. 
  • Only introducing animals from known, disease-free sources with a valid health declaration. 
  • Preventing direct contact between farm animals and those outside the farm. 
  • Maintaining secure farm boundaries and restricting access to livestock areas.
  • Reducing human and vehicle access to farms, with proper disinfection protocols in place. 

Van Wyk added: “Any suspicious clinical symptoms, such as salivation, blisters in the mouth, limping, or hoof lesions, should be reported immediately to the local State Veterinarian and such animals must not be moved under any circumstances.”

Meanwhile, earlier this month, the provincial Department of Agriculture held a media briefing confirming positive cases of FMD in Newcastle, under the Amajuba District.

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