Cross-Sector Partnerships: The way of doing business

Eckard Smuts

Eckard Smuts

Published Jul 10, 2017


As South Africa sails deeper into turbulent

economic waters, calls for improved collaboration between the public and the

private sector grow ever more urgent. Finance minister Malusi Gigaba touched on

the issue in Parliament recently, when he described better business-government

relations as a crucial factor in government’s drive to include millions of

poverty-stricken South Africans in the economy.

While there are plenty of reasons to be

sceptical of the ANC-led government’s new found enthusiasm for broad-based

economic change, it happens that the finance minister’s wish for closer

co-operation between the public and the private sector coincides with a rising

trend in businesses worldwide to pursue partnerships outside their normal

spheres of operation.

Such cross-sector partnerships are usually

driven by multiple factors. Occasionally, the challenges that companies face

are too big or complex to take on by themselves. Sometimes they may not have

the required skills or resources to tackle a specific problem, or they may

simply want to spread the risks involved in doing so. Enhanced efficiency – and

the avoidance of duplication – are other recognised benefits of

collaborating across multiple sectors to solve problems.

More recently, businesses in South Africa

have begun to wake up to the reality that cross-sector partnerships may be a

crucial investment in their own future prosperity. Justin Smith, the Group Head

of Sustainability at Woolworths, puts it succinctly when he describes the work

Woolworths has been doing with farming communities near Ceres in the Western

Cape to improve the quality of water in the catchment areas.

“It’s very simple,” says Smith. “If we

still want to be selling fruit ten years from now, we need to find ways of

working with multiple stakeholders to ensure a consistent, good-quality water


Smith was talking at a meeting of the

Network for Business Sustainability South Africa (NBS-SA) hosted by the UCT

Graduate School of Business last month. While there was much nodding and

agreement among participants that collaborative engagement between organisations

in different sectors – and even between different businesses in the same sector

– is essential for boosting sustainability initiatives, the conversation often

turned to the challenges that such partnerships bring.

For starters, people may have very

different ideas about what the partnership they have entered into means. Vanessa

Otto-Mentz, Head of Group Strategy at Santam, explains the importance of

managing expectations during a recent collaborative project they ran with the

Eden District Municipality aimed at mitigating the risks of fire and flooding

in local communities.  

“People often

think we have all these facilities and resources, but we don’t,” she says.

“It’s rather about asking the right questions, or about helping the

municipality to prioritise. In some sense it’s more of a managerial

intervention – we tried to help the municipality to take responsibility for its

own risk management programme.”

At the same time, however, companies should

be careful not to foist their expertise on unsuspecting collaboration partners.

Brigitte Burnett, Head of Sustainability at Nedbank, cautions that a

paternalistic attitude can lead to severe distrust among the different parties

involved in a cross-sector partnership. In a recent project aimed at developing

financial acumen among the local populace in Magaliesburg, she says, Nedbank took

care to partner with an investment team on the ground that was already

well-connected to the community, in order reduce the risk of paternalism.

Another issue that frequently crops up is

the problem of implementing the sustainability goals that often drive

cross-sector collaboration within a company's existing corporate structure.

Reflecting on some of the challenges they have experiencied in an agricultural

partnership with local communities in AmaMpondo district in the Eastern Cape,

Martie Steyn, Senior Communications Specialist at AngloGold Ashanti, explains

that it can be very difficult to determine in a practical sense what role such

initiatives should play in company policy. Is it merely supportive, or is it an

integral part of the company's business strategy?

Even if CEOs and COOs increasingly see the

value of pursuing sustainability initiatives through cross-sector partnerships,

it is no simple matter to translate that value into the everyday operational

activities of a business.

Fortunately, promising new tools are being

developed that can help companies to move on from an outdated view of

sustainability as compliance, and closer to a practice that integrates

sustainability-driven partnerships as a core element in business strategy. 


such tool is based on the work of the Embedding Project, a public benefit

research project that uses cutting-edge social science and modelling techniques

to help companies identify the most efficient ways to embed sustainability

practices in their operations.

“Our model allows companies to figure out

where they can have the biggest impact, at the lowest cost,” says Stephanie

Bertels, a Canadian academic and founder of the Embedding Project. Bertels, who

is also a member of the Network for Business Sustainability, feels strongly

that a shift in emphasis to context-driven sustainability can lead to

significant benefits for companies. “We’re showing companies how they can set

the narrative in such a way that it makes sense to both the business, and the

communities they’re partnering with,” she explains.

Despite numerous potential pitfalls, then,

it seems there may indeed be some scope for collaborations between the public

and the private sector to bear fruit locally.

Stephen Elliott-Wetmore, Manager for

Corporate Partnerships and Innovation at the World Wildlife Fund South Africa

(WWF), reveals that the CEOs of South African companies have a reputation for

their willingness to engage with NGOs and other stakeholders beyond the strict

ambit of their business practices. And these kinds of engagement are precisely

what is needed to reinvent the relationship between business and the public

wellbeing that our country so sorely requires.

Cross-sector partnerships are vital

mechanisms for developing innovative responses to shared problems, says Ralph

Hamann, Academic Director of NBS-SA and a Professor at the UCT Graduate School

of Business. 

But it is also crucial to remind ourselves that there are no short

cuts to innovation. It is, rather, something that emerges when we take the time

to grapple with the many, seemingly intractable differences among all those

with a stake in a particular situation or environment.

And in the case of South Africa, that means

all of us, regardless of whether we think of ourselves as belonging to the

public or the private sector. Smuts is a Postdoctoral Researcher in

Environmental Humanities at the University of Stellenbosch.


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