Uber Technologies’ fired back at investor Benchmark

The cash indicator allows Uber driver-partners to choose whether they’d like to accept a cash trip request or not.

The cash indicator allows Uber driver-partners to choose whether they’d like to accept a cash trip request or not.

Published Aug 21, 2017


Wilmington - Uber Technologies’ co-founder Travis Kalanick fired back at

investor Benchmark, saying its lawsuit seeking to oust him from the

ride-hailing company’s board is based on “a fabrication” and accused the firm

of threats and intimidation.

Upping the ante on his fight with the venture capital firm,

which holds a 13% stake in Uber, Kalanick said that Benchmark waged a

secret campaign to remove him from the company. The firm executed its plan in

June, “at the most shameful” of times, according to documents made public on

Friday in Delaware Chancery Court, immediately after his mother died in late


The relationship between Kalanick and Benchmark, an early

Uber backer, has deteriorated in recent months. Benchmark sued Kalanick on Aug.

10 alleging he duped the firm into allowing him to fill three board seats and

sought to pack the panel with allies willing to keep him as a director after he

resigned as chief executive officer in June. Kalanick, Benchmark claimed, hid

his “gross mismanagement” of the company and cited a series of Uber scandals as


Uber’s founder was pressured to resign after a series of

controversies erupted, including a lawsuit with Alphabet Inc.’s self-driving

car business, a probe by the U.S. Justice Department over the use of technology

to deceive enforcement officials and claims its workplace is hostile to women.

Kalanick said in court papers that he resigned under duress

after Benchmark threatened to launch a public campaign against him.

Mother’s Funeral

Less than two weeks after his mother’s funeral in June,

Kalanick said Benchmark principals came to his hotel room in Chicago and handed

him a draft resignation letter, telling him “he had hours to sign it.” Kalanick

demanded removal of a provision in the letter that suggested the document was a

“contractual undertaking,” according the filing.

“Ultimately, given his emotional state, Kalanick relented

and signed the revised letter,” his lawyers said in court papers.

Kalanick described Benchmark’s claims of fraud as a

“fabrication articulated for the first time in its complaint.” The firm, he

said, was aware of all the events on which it based its fraud claim.

The former CEO previewed his defence against Benchmark’s

allegations in a filing requesting that the case be dismissed or stayed in favour

of arbitration. His lawyers had said previously that Benchmark’s claims are

subject to a mandatory arbitration provision contained in the voting agreement

that is the focus of its lawsuit.

Kalanick’s lawyers argued that when Benchmark originally

threatened to take legal action, they said it would come in “the form of an

arbitration demand,” according to court filings. “What changed in the interim

is a matter known only to Benchmark.”

Benchmark’s Profit

In court papers, Kalanick’s lawyers described him as a good

CEO whose efforts made money for investors. His attempts to grow Uber into a

company worth more than $70 billion “increased the value of Benchmark’s $12

million investment to more than $7 billion,” according to the filing.

Benchmark, based in Woodside,

California, is seeking a “status

quo” order that would temporarily bar Kalanick from filling open Uber board


“Benchmark is not seeking to preserve the status quo,”

Kalanick’s lawyers said. “To the contrary, Benchmark ignores the arbitration

provision and seeks drastic relief that would silence and sideline Kalanick essentially

the final relief it hopes to achieve.”


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