Draw the lines when sharing spaces

Published Feb 2, 2020


Trouble can arise, however, when trying to navigate the complexities of having to share a property with others who are paying rent and also want a say in how things are run, says Re/Max’s Adrian Goslett.

In order to avoid conflict, he suggests distinctions ought to be drawn up regarding which rooms are considered common, shared spaces and those personal spaces.

“In common, shared spaces, such as the living room and the kitchen, the landlord or parent can create a set of guidelines for behaviour within these spaces. Similar to how a body corporate or HOA might do for conduct within the sectional title, the tenant or adult child then needs to agree to live by these guidelines or choose to live elsewhere.”

Areas that are classified as personal space, such as a bedroom or an en-suite bathroom, should be treated in the same way as a landlord would treat a separate home that they are renting out, Goslett explains.

“The key to a successful house sharing set-up is mutual respect and consideration for each other.”

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