HANDY MAC: Health comes first

Published Mar 21, 2020


One of the tricky things

about writing this column, especially when

chatting about current

affairs, is that things can change

before you read it, and I could be

slightly off the mark.

However, I don’t think Covid19 is going to disappear soon. I

want to appeal to you to observe

all the safety tips that are being

put out there. Cape Town cannot

afford to be its usual laidback self

– we have to be prepared if the

situation does get worse.

The news is on television as

I am writing and I see more and

more events are being postponed

and airlines not flying. This means

I have to think about what I am

going to do about my staff and

my clients, if we are forced to halt


Some companies can arrange

for their staff to work from home

but you can’t do that with carpenters and roofers – and people

need to be paid.

We must understand that,

if our situation gets worse in

South Africa, some things will lag

behind programme. Everybody’s

health must come before finishing

a project.

Mrs Mac, of course, sees the

practical side of everything and

is already filling the job-jar with

ideas for me to do if we have to

“self-isolate”, but I do have it on

very good authority that one must

rest if one is to recover quickly.

She has also filled the house

with different types of hand

sanitiser and is ensuring that our

domestic help and guests wash

their hands regularly.

I suppose I will be asked to

sleep in the spare room next...

Tip of the week

Trim trees that are growing too close to your house. Picture: Supplied

Autumn has started, so it is time to see what you should be doing around the house to prepare for winter.

Scanning the internet on this topic, the first thing that comes up is - believe it or not and this is a worldwide search - “get ready for power outages”. I think we have that one covered.

Another suggestion for autumn is to check that windows and doors close smoothly and don’t let in draughts.

This can make all the difference in creating a warm home once the temperatures drop. A few weeks ago I wrote about how to repair damaged window timber.

Check the trees and plants in your garden and, if necessary, trim them back. Trees especially could be getting too close to power lines or your roof and could cause damage.

Also check that your trees are healthy and sound. Strong north-westerlies are around the corner and a falling tree could cause serious damage.

If the tree was rotten, you might not be covered by insurance.

Prepare for fires and heating by checking the batteries in all the smoke detectors you (hopefully) have in your home. Test them to make sure they’re working properly.


This week, Mrs Mac would like

to offer some advice regarding

the shortage of toilet paper.

Please don’t flush wipes,

paper towels or facial tissues

down the toilet.

They don’t break

down like toilet paper does and

could cause a sewage spill.

This might seem obvious but it’s

something we often forget about.

With the coronavirus hanging

around, we are all going to

be using more of the abovementioned products, so we need

to ensure we don’t overwhelm

the country’s already struggling

sewerage systems.

Mrs Mac also has advice

about cleaning the metal grid on

your kitchen extractor fan – a

build-up of grease on them is a

potential fire hazard.

Remove the grid from the

extractor and place in the sink

or in a large bowl. Carefully pour

boiling water over it to dissolve

the grease.

Squirt on a liberal amount of

washing-up liquid, sprinkle it with

bicarbonate of soda and scrub

with a firm brush. Repeat on

both sides of the grid, then rinse

thoroughly. Allow to dry.

*If you have a question for Don, send it to [email protected] or SMS only to 0824463859.

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