#aTypicalInterview: ‘What you think about yourself is the most important. Not what others think of you’ – model Nicole Meyer

Model Nicole Meyer. Supplied image.

Model Nicole Meyer. Supplied image.

Published Oct 23, 2022


Johannesburg - This week we feature Cape Town-born model Nicole Meyer.

Meyer is currently signed with Outlaws Model Management and travels the world doing photo shoots in some of the most opulent destinations in the world.

She’s featured as the cover girl for GQ magazine, become the face of LiquiFruit and has also featured in Sports Illustrated’s Swimwear Edition.

She was also chosen to model for an international Guess campaign, becoming the third person from her agency to land an international Guess campaign, following in the footsteps of Natasha Barnard and Candice Boucher.

Model Nicole Meyer. Supplied image.

Your favourite item of clothing in your closet currently is...?

I bought a leather vintage jacket in Dublin recently. I love vintage clothing!

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or TikTok? Which social media platform do you prefer?

Instagram – I feel like you have to be a certain type of person to do TikToks and I am quite shy! But social media is so important nowadays!

Model Nicole Meyer. Supplied image.

You are able to do a photo shoot with any model in the world. Who do you choose to collaborate with?

Wow – not an easy one. I believe every model has a certain technique and energy they bring to set … I would say that it has to be Adriana Lima – she is consistent and ever-growing. Which is important as you have to keep up with the industry’s changes.

Your go-to cheat meal is ...?

A lovely big Italian pizza.

What Netflix series should everyone be watching right now?

I don’t really watch much Netflix … but I’d have to say there are some amazing documentaries on Netflix which I’d love to watch.

How would you like to be remembered?

For being a beautiful person inside and out … this is so important. Making a mark like that is vital for me. Ever growing and evolving. To come back from obstacles and challenges in life and show people that believing in yourself is so important.

You are only able to shop at one clothing store for the rest of your life. Which clothing store do you choose to shop at?


The one thing that most people don’t know about you is ...?

I am quite shy :)

Model Nicole Meyer. Supplied image.

What is your definition of happiness?

What you think about yourself is the most important. Not what others think of you. You come first.

We’ve all had some really bad dates. What’s the worst date you have had in your life?

No comment, haha :)

The Saturday Star