Feenix Launches its #WereITheLast 2023” Campaign this Youth Month

Crowdfunding organisation, Feenix’s CEO, Cara-Jean Petersen is encouraging South Africans, through various social media channels, to share their thoughts on this crucial topic of Student Funding. By fostering dialogue and embracing a range of viewpoints, Petersen said Feenix aims to bridge the gap and emphasise the shared commitment to propel the nation forward through the potential of its youth and students. Picture: Supplied.

Crowdfunding organisation, Feenix’s CEO, Cara-Jean Petersen is encouraging South Africans, through various social media channels, to share their thoughts on this crucial topic of Student Funding. By fostering dialogue and embracing a range of viewpoints, Petersen said Feenix aims to bridge the gap and emphasise the shared commitment to propel the nation forward through the potential of its youth and students. Picture: Supplied.

Published Jun 9, 2023


Johannesburg - What if the university students of 2023 were the last students ever in South Africa? If money runs out and there are no more university students that study after this year, what would our country look like? This is the question that a campaign will be asking this month, to generate conversation about the needs of tertiary students.

The campaign is driven by the student crowdfunding platform Feenix, a South African public benefit organisation that provides access to funding to registered university students, which is set to launch its #WereITheLast2023 campaign this month in the build-up to Youth Day on 16 June.

With the aim of encouraging a nationwide conversation, #WereITheLast2023 challenges the escalating costs of tertiary education, motivating everyone to reflect on the future of our society and the collective responsibility to support the nation's students. It is at this time that Feenix recognises the urgent need for collaboration. Through various social media channels, Feenix invites the public to share their thoughts on this crucial topic. By fostering dialogue and embracing a range of viewpoints, Feenix aims to bridge the gap and emphasise the shared commitment to propel the nation forward through the potential of its youth and students.

Cara-Jean Petersen, CEO of Feenix, said there is no denying that our society is going through a tough time and that there are so many other challenges that dominate the public narrative – such as inflation, load shedding, and political transparency.

“Within South Africa’s social, political, and economic landscape, we need the standard to be lifted, but in order to do so a conscious investment in the future must be made today.

“Our campaign puts the need to invest in students squarely back in the public domain where it belongs to ensure that we are actively nurturing young talent that will be a part of the solution in bringing about sustainable change within our socio-economic, political, and environmental landscapes in the years to come. The risk to society is enormous if our students are left by the wayside, and this is why I believe this campaign is so important,” said Petersen.

Feenix encourages individuals and organisations to support the campaign by sharing their thoughts through video submissions on their views of what South Africa would be like if the 2023 class were the last students ever. By participating in this critical conversation, you can play an active role in shaping the future of education in South Africa and encouraging the conversation that access to education should not be based on wealth.

However, supporting the campaign through video submissions is not the only way to make a difference. Feenix's primary objective is to address the pressing need for education, particularly among "the missing middle" students. These talented individuals often face financial barriers that prevent them from accessing higher education or completing their studies. By making a generous donation to Feenix, donors can directly contribute to enabling students to pursue their educational goals. This initiative empowers these young individuals to unlock their potential, opening doors to a brighter future for themselves and society.

Since its establishment in 2015, Feenix has been instrumental in connecting countless donors with deserving students, making a meaningful impact on their lives. Feenix provides a direct channel for donors to contribute to the education of these talented individuals, facilitating their dreams and aspirations.

To donate and learn more about Feenix and the #WereITheLast2023 movement, please visit https://feenix.org/.

Each contribution has the power to transform a life and shape a brighter future for the youth of South Africa.