#PhotoEssay: Dr Norman Cahi takes

The German Influence is still very much evident. Picture: Dr Norman Cahi

The German Influence is still very much evident. Picture: Dr Norman Cahi

Published May 29, 2024


Camel rides and quad biking on Namibia's sand dunes. Pictures: Dr Norman Cahi

I loved the heritage architecture of this old city.
A rusting beauty from a bygone era.
The barren landscape is what I imagine walking on the moon must be like.
The endless sand dunes stretch as far as the eye can see.
Pink flamingos on a lake. So beautiful on their graceful thimble legs.
A quaint thatched cottage on the beautiful pink flamingo lagoon.
Striking rock formations on the dunes produce the black colour from iron deposits.
Cracked clay from a dry river bed. I find such beauty in these simple images of God's nature.
The magnificent facades of buildings dating from the early 1900s.

Saturday Star