#SexColumn: Everything you have ever wanted to know about sex, orgasms and sex toys

Published Jul 24, 2020


Sharon Gordon

We’ve been updating all the Lola Montez platforms and for our marketing strategy to work as a cohesive unit we’ve been looking at the brand with new eyes.

Having worked in the sex industry for over 17 years now you can understand that we’re a bit jaded.

We talk about sex, orgasms, genitals and sex toys as if they’re Tupperware, much to the dismay of those who happen to be within earshot of the conversation. This was brought home by two incidents this past week.

My son being part of every conversation at the dinner table stated: ‘As much as I love my parents, I’m really tired of talking about their sex life!’ Well that stopped the conversation in its tracks. It reminded me that not everyone talks about sex like we do.

The second incident stems from trying to find relevant keywords to be incorporated into the blog and product descriptions. I would have gone with vibrator and dildo, a sentiment echoed by my children but then we decided to ask some contacts for their feedback. The answers reflected just how far we’ve come and just how much things have stayed the same.

The question we put out (and I’d like you to participate and let me know what you’d do) was –‘You’re thinking of purchasing an adult toy, what would you put in the search bar on Google?

And then we waited for the replies.

More than half didn’t respond at all and I suspect my number has now been blocked!

I think it’s a perfectly legitimate and non-offensive question and I’ll accept that some of the blockers were too busy to answer but I think they were horrified at my suggestion that they may want a sex toy. Who doesn’t want to make their sex play better? Sex toys are not for those with broken relationships or spinsters – but more about that in a different #SexColumn.

The other half participated in the spirit of helping and hiding. My favourite was: ‘Gosh it’s not something I’ve ever thought about!’ Now I know I’m jaded but you know me, you know what I do and you’ve never thought about sex toys?

Sex toys and adult toys come out tops as keywords followed by feminine sex toys and feminine adult toys.

Pleasure, stimulation and feminine were nominated. All good words to describe what we do. More of this is what we need. A shift in how we view sex and sensuality in the 21st Century. Pleasure is so seldom talked about and quite honestly if there isn’t pleasure why bother?

Discreet made more than one appearance which indicates that we still hide our desires and don’t want others to know what we are purchasing. On this note we also found out that many of you purchase from that big online retailer named after a jungle because people will think you are buying a book! I have two questions – which people and who cares?

Whips, nipple clamps and ropes also featured. Just a heads up that we may not sell anything that can cause pain or can be used to restrain someone. If we do our payment portal will withdraw. Yes, you read right, that’s why they’ve been removed from our site despite their popularity.

Competitor names were mentioned and BOB, which stands for Battery Operated Boyfriend!

Fun for couples and erotic toys are encouraging because they indicate that toys are moving from the shadows into toys for couples to play with.

These are all keywords that we are building into the copy on our website to help it rank better on the search engines but here is the kicker, they are all very edgy words on social media and may get you banned for up to a month.

Did you know that Lola Montez may not advertise on social media because we sell sex toys and it breaches their policies on adult content? That’s we need you, so please LIKE, Share and comment. And don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for interesting and funny discussions.

Let us know which search words you would use if you wanted to buy an adult toy. Email your suggestions to [email protected]

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