#SexColumn: How to know if you have Erectile Dysfunction and what you can do about it

A study shows men with blood types A, B or AB are up to four times more likely to suffer impotence – or erectile dysfunction. Picture: Pixabay

A study shows men with blood types A, B or AB are up to four times more likely to suffer impotence – or erectile dysfunction. Picture: Pixabay

Published Mar 11, 2022


By Sharon Gordon

Johannesburg - Men’s health is complicated by the fact that men are less likely to seek medical advice than women. In the Lola Montez shop and online, more often than not, it’s the wives who ask about their partners health issues. Erections and lack of libido are the most frequently asked questions.

We always recommend a visit to their doctor, knowing that there is almost no hope that this will happen. Our next suggestion is life insurance!

Erectile Dysfunction or ED happens when a man is unable to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Many men do nothing about Erectile Dysfunction, assuming it is just their age. But studies have shown that ED can be a predictor of a serious health condition. It is often a predictor of heart disease and can precede a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack, by approximately 5 years. So do take it seriously.

I came across a test you can do to see if you have ED and should be concerned. It is a questionnaire for reference to a preliminary evaluation. It does not replace the medical advice of your doctor.

If you have already been diagnosed with any of the following conditions ED may be one of the side effects so take that into consideration when you do the test.

These include:


High blood pressure


Recent prostatectomy

Heart disease

High Cholesterol

Spinal cord injury


Pelvic injury or surgery

Testosterone Deficiency

Take the test now.

(A) How do you rate your confidence that you can get and keep your erection?

1 Very low

2 Low

3 Moderate

4 High

5 Very High

(B) When you had erections with sexual stimulation, how often were your erections hard enough for penetration?

0 No sexual activity

1 Almost never or never

2 A few times (less than ½ the time)

3 Sometimes (½ the time)

4 Most times (more than ½ the time)

5 Almost always or always

(C) During sexual intercourse, how often were you able to maintain your erection after you had penetrated your partner?

0 Did not attempt intercourse

1 Almost never or never

2 A few times (less than ½ the time)

3 Sometimes (½ the time)

4 Most times (more than ½ the time)

5 Almost always or always.

(D) During sexual intercourse, how difficult was it to maintain your erection to completion of intercourse?

0 Did not attempt intercourse

1 Extremely difficult

2 Very Difficult

3 Difficult

4 Slightly difficult

5 Not difficult

(E) When you attempted intercourse, how often was it satisfactory for you?

0 Did not attempt intercourse

1 Almost never or never

2 A few times (less than ½ the time)

3 Sometimes (½ the time)

4 Most times (more than ½ the time)

5 Almost always or always.

Score each question with the number preceding your answer. Add the scores from questions A to E together. Possible scores on Erectile Function index range from 1 to 25.

Your total score __________________

If your score is 21 or less, PLEASE consult your doctor without delay.

Score Interpretation

22-25 No Ed

17 -21 Mild ED

12-16 Mid-moderate ED

8-11 Moderate ED

1-7 Severe ED

Now you know where you stand. Just to clear up how long your erection should last; an American Survey suggests that the length of sexual intercourse ranges between 3 to 13 minutes and is considered normal.

The questionnaire above was provided by a pharmaceutical company. ED is a medical condition and can be treated. Some may need counseling while others use medication. Oral medication is the most common form of treatment.

I have to stress that you should not feel embarrassed about talking to your doctor and if you are – get over it, your sexual health is more important than your ego.

If there is something you would like me to write about – let me know – [email protected]

The Saturday Star

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