Hospersa calls for speedy probe to find and bring perpetrators who attacked Sama chairperson Dr Mvuyisi Mzukwa to book

Dr Mvuyisi Mzukwa was attacked on the side of the road while driving home from King Shaka International Airport following a SAMA board meeting.Image:File

Dr Mvuyisi Mzukwa was attacked on the side of the road while driving home from King Shaka International Airport following a SAMA board meeting.Image:File

Published Aug 23, 2022


Johannesburg – Trade union Hospersa has called on law enforcement agencies to accelerate their efforts in finding the perpetrators who attacked SA Medical Association (Sama) chairperson, Dr Mvuyisi Mzukwa, at the weekend and bring them to book.

On Saturday, Mzukwa, was attacked on the side of the road while driving home from King Shaka International Airport following a Sama board meeting. It is reported that he suffered multiple stab wounds to his chest.

“We are shocked by the news of this violent crime perpetrated against the Sama chairperson,” said Hospersa general secretary, Waheed Hoosen.

Hoosen added that the union wished Mzukwa strength and a speedy recovery following this ordeal.

“Crime levels in South Africa have reached shocking levels and this incident exhibits the severity of the problem.

“Hospersa calls on the long arm of the law to find the perpetrators and for justice to be speedily served,” said Hoosen.

The Star

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