The abuse of women has been normalised in South Africa, says Ntsiki Mazwai

Ntsiki Mazwai. Picture: Instagram

Ntsiki Mazwai. Picture: Instagram

Published Jun 1, 2023


Johannesburg - Popular activist and poet Ntsiki Mazwai has shared her sentiments about the prevalence of abuse in South Africa, highlighting that it has been normalised in many ways.

"Violence against women is so normal in South Africa. Look at the Nota and Berita situation and how everyone is going on like this is normal. It's so deep.

"A man is publicly verbally abusive towards his ex-wife, and it's business as usual in SA. Deep," said Mazwai.

Nota Baloyi and Berita's relationship has been among the most controversial subjects on social media.

This comes after Baloyi publicly spoke about the nature of his marriage with the afro-soul singer on social media and revealed sensitive details that many claimed were unnecessary to talk about.

Nota was criticised for airing out their private business with Berita.

"I held my wife down through the pandemic so she could pay off her university fees and eventually emerge from the state of having settled all personal and business debt. To thank me, she decided she needed to take away from her husband, who broke his back, for all her achievements," said Nota on his Twitter account.

In a string of posts, Berita said she left their marital home in January 2022 and they are no longer married.

"Nhlamulo, stop it; you are humiliating me. Stop it. I am tired of this. I am no longer your wife. We are separated. We have spoken about this.

"Morning Tweeps. I was off Twitter for a couple of days. I only became aware of statements made by Nhlamulo 'Nota' last night. I would like to first clear the air by being quiet because there are families involved in this situation.

"I am no longer married to Nhlamulo 'Nota' Baloyi. I left our marital home on Thursday, January 13, 2022. As it stands, we are currently separated."

Despite the “Thandolwethi” hitmaker revealing that they were no longer together, Nota continues to talk about his former lover on social platforms and often shares their old photos while they were together.

The Star