Dominee’s killer son gets life term

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Published Nov 14, 2013


Harrismith - Two men were each given two life sentences by the Harrismith Circuit Court on Thursday for killing a Free State dominee (minister) and his son-in-law.

Martin Brits, 28, and Elliot Mhlambi, 41, were also each sentenced to 15 years for robbery and 10 years for attempted murder, police spokesman Sergeant Mmako Mophiring said.

Mhlambi got an additional seven years for illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition.

Using an axe they murdered Dutch Reformed Church dominee Willem Brits, 60, and his future son-in-law Gerhard Vermeulen, 25, in Harrismith on November 8 last year. Martin Brits was the dominee's adoptive son.

Brits's wife Dorothea, 59, was seriously wounded in the attack.

Mophiring said the court was packed for sentencing, with proceedings ending around 11am.

On Tuesday, Dorothea Brits said she had forgiven Brits for the killings but said he should bear the consequences of his actions.


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