A kind safety reminder for children during these 16 Days of Activism and ahead



Published Nov 26, 2022


Cape Town - All children deserve to feel safe and happy. Whenever a child feels scared or unsafe, there are many ways they can make their voice heard.

The first, ask mom and dad to help you memorise your address. In any given situation when you are in trouble, knowing where you live can assist police to bring you back to safety.

The second, if it does not feel right, then it probably is not. No one should touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable. Never allow an adult or even your friends to make you feel uneasy in any situation. If you ever find yourself in an unsafe situation, simply say “no” and walk away.

In situations where you are unable to walk away, find the nearest telephone and dial the numbers below to assist you to safety.

The Western Cape government has compiled safety emergency numbers for all to use in times of trouble. Children are urged to make sure that the call is based on a real-life threatening situation. It is not good to “prank” call law enforcement agencies, nor is it good to fake an emergency.

Who to call?

Police – 10 111

Children, remember to remain calm, state your name clearly for the operator and tell them what is making you feel uncomfortable. Police are there to defend and protect. Whenever you feel unsafe and in need, call the police.

Childline – 116

Children, if you ever feel scared, and mom and dad are not at home, dial Childline, who are there to listen and help you. Remember, only call them if you truly are in need of help. Childline has many grown-up professionals who will direct you in any emergency.

Ambulance – 10 117

Children, if you or anyone around you is injured, call an ambulance. Remain calm and state your name, where you are and what problem is at hand.

All emergencies – 112

If you are in trouble and not sure who to call, please dial 112 on any cellphone and help will be directed in any situation you find yourself in.

Children, always remember to never walk alone in unfamiliar places. Always walk with an adult you trust, and never speak to strangers. Remember to always be polite – a greeting should be enough. If an adult you don’t know wants to give you a lift, always politely decline. Remember, stay safe and communicate with mom and dad if something is bothering you. You have a voice, you are allowed to use it.

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