Healthcare is important for your child’s school year

A child’s health care is important. file image- Photographer - Tracey Adams/African News Agency/ANA

A child’s health care is important. file image- Photographer - Tracey Adams/African News Agency/ANA

Published Jan 19, 2023


With the start of the new school year, the Western Cape Health Department is encouraging parents to help their children stay healthy.

This means allowing children to be part of free childhood immunisations, school health services, and mental health support.

The Department said these tools were helpful in saving lives daily as immunisations protect children against illnesses such as measles, tetanus, TB, diphtheria (which affects the lungs), leprosy, whooping cough, Hepatitis B, and polio. These are all very dangerous diseases that can lead to permanent disability and even death.

Dr Nomafrench Mbombo, Western Cape Minister of Health and Wellness, said it was important for children to receive their immunisation in the prevention of illnesses such as measles: "Though our measles numbers in the Western Cape are quite small, parents should be vigilant and make sure that their children's measles immunisations are up to date according to the immunisation schedule in their Road to Health booklet.”

“We urge all parents and caregivers to get their children immunised for free at their nearest clinic or community healthcare centre.

“Between 6 and 17 February 2023, the Western Cape Department of Health will be providing one measles booster immunisation for every child under the age of five.

“We want to emphasise the importance for parents to take up this opportunity to provide extra protection to their children.

“Children who are 12 years or older can also be vaccinated against Covid-19.

“It is safe and available for free at your nearest clinic or vaccination site in your community To find a vaccination site near you, visit

The awareness about HPV, Human Papillomavirus, has also begun.

This is administered to children over the age of nine for the prevention of Cervical Cancer and Womb Cancer.

“From 20 February until 31 March 2023, our school health teams will be visiting public- and special schools to administer the first dose of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and tetanus and diphtheria (Td - Diftavax) booster for free,” the Department said.

“The HPV vaccine is part of the Integrated School Health Programme. Two HPV injections, 5-6 months apart, are administered to Grade 5 girls over the age of 9 years with the necessary consent.

“It is estimated that approximately 80% of women will be infected with the HPV in their life. The virus is responsible for 99% of all cervical cancer cases.

“The HPV vaccination is most effective if administered before exposure to the virus (before puberty and becoming sexually active) when the immune system is able to provide a stronger antibody response.

“The vaccine is a safe and a preventative precaution to cervical cancer.”

Sister Valerie Kruger, School Health Nurse for Mitchells Plain Community Health Centre and Chairperson of the Health Promoting Schools in the Western Cape Metropole, said schools received free health services for children, which included eyesight or hearing abilities.

“With parental or caregiver consent, we assess the child’s health by conducting eyesight and hearing screening, oral health screening and education, health promotion, immunisation and vaccinations, monitor growth, and fine motor skills, and assess if the child is receiving good nutrition, treat skin conditions, treat lice and scabies, conduct mental health assessments, a full physical examination for children in Grade R to 12,” she explained.

“Parents can rest assured that their consent is required for the school health nurses to conduct any screening on their child and, through the school, will issue a consent form to administer any immunisations or treatment.”

Dr Estelle Lawrence, from the Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness, said mental health could also affect all aspects of a child’s life.

The Department explained, globally, it is estimated that 1 in 7 (14%) 10- to 19-year-olds experience mental health challenges. It says poor mental health can impact many areas of an adolescent’s life and urges teenagers and parents to get support if necessary.

“Parents need to work at building strong relationships with their teenagers,” said Doctor Lawrence.

“Please talk about mental health, ask what’s wrong and offer support if your child feels sad, anxious, depressed, or appears to be struggling.

“Studies have shown that if adolescents feel connected to their family, school and community, they are less likely to struggle with poor mental health, substance abuse and violence.

“They need to know someone cares about them.

“Adolescents can access mental healthcare at their nearest clinic where a trained health practitioner will provide support or refer them to a mental health practitioner.

“They can also dial Childline at 116 for telephonic support.”

Another issue is Diarrhoeal disease. The department said that annually November to March marks a spike in children treated for it.

Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital’s Associate Professor Heloise Buys (Head of Clinical Unit Ambulatory & Emergency said it was important that parents were aware that dehydration in children was dangerous: “We advise adults to be extra watchful over children.) says young children are more dependent on their caregivers and parents to ensure they take in enough fluids.

“They often don’t verbalise that they are thirsty.

“Also, because they are so much smaller than adults, losing a small amount of fluid in their watery stools is a big deal.

“They more easily become dehydrated or go into shock,” says Buys.

“Take the sign of the first loose stool seriously and immediately start with ‘replacement Oral Rehydration Solution’,” says Buys. You can make the solution at home:

“ Boil a litre of water and let it cool down.

“Add to the water eight teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. Give the child small sips of the solution. Continue feeding the child.”

Sister Gale Goeieman of Tulbagh Clinic agrees on the importance of quickly acting to avoid dehydration.

“If giving the oral rehydration solution does not work and the child is still not taking in fluids or vomiting all fluids they do drink, please come to the clinic immediately so that we can help to prevent severe dehydration,” said Goeieman.

Weekend Argus